Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry

Reliable cosmetic dentists in Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Millennium Dentistry offers a diverse range of cosmetic treatments to suit all needs and budgets. We also provide a 0% interest finance plan to help you spread the cost of your treatment.

About cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry describes a number of dental procedures used singly or in combination to enhance the appearance of your smile. It can lead the way to increased confidence and an improved lifestyle through the achievement of a beautiful smile.
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White fillings

White fillings

A filling replaces a part of a tooth that has been lost because of decay or through accidental damage. White or tooth coloured fillings provide a healthier, more natural looking alternative to traditional silver or amalgam fillings. They also allow for a minimally invasive restoration which means that more of your natural tooth can be preserved.
There are many benefits of having white fillings over traditional ‘silver’ (amalgam) fillings:
  • Metal free
  • Less noticeable than silver fillings which turn black in the mouth
  • Available in a range of shades that can be matched to the colour of your own teeth
  • Need less preparation than silver fillings which means you keep more healthy tooth tissue 
  • for longer
Inlays and onlays

Inlays and onlays

Recommended for larger cavities where a filling may not be suitable, an inlay or an onlay is used to repair the tooth’s biting surface and is generally made from belleglass which is a very strong, natural looking and long-lasting porcelain material.
General dental care
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

An increasingly popular treatment for restoring the sparkle to your smile, teeth whitening is a quick, effective and safe procedure for removing stubborn stains on the teeth that cannot be removed by brushing alone. With a choice of treatments available to suit your individual needs, a brighter, whiter smile can leave you feeling rejuvenated and more confident.
A combination of in-surgery and take-home whitening techniques are recommended for optimum results.

Tooth Whitening Procedure
Visiting the surgery, an impression will be taken of your teeth and two custom made trays are made to contain the teeth whitening gel. Patients take the trays and teeth whitening gel home and are advised to wear the trays over night for a period of 2 - 4 weeks depending on tooth structure.
the day following the last home application of teeth whitening gel you will need to attend the practice for the in-surgery part of the treatment.
 a teeth whitening gel will be applied to the trays and worn for 20 minutes, this stage is repeated for a second time and will achieve an immediate result, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

  • A tried and tested way of removing stubborn stains on your teeth
  • Numerous studies over the past fifteen years have proven it to be safe and effective
  • Quick and simple with immediate results achieved in just one visit
  • Beautiful, Guaranteed natural looking results - you choose the level of whiteness
  • With the right maintenance, the effects can last for years
Prices start from as little as £499 (Terms and Conditions apply); consultation required £20
Crowns and bridges

All-ceramic crowns and bridges

Grinding your teeth, an improper bite, age, fillings and tooth decay can all be contributing factors in the wearing down, cracking or breakage of your teeth. If you suffer from this problem, dental crowns or a bridge can be the solution.
With traditional technology dental crowns always needed to be made with a metal foundation. Today however with the advances in modern dentistry they can now also be made completely out of porcelain or ceramic. With precision fit, thanks to CAD CAM technology and suitable for all areas of the mouth, all-ceramic crowns and bridges provide a metal-free option which provides unrivalled performance. With superior strength and aesthetics, long-lasting and beautifully natural looking restorations can be achieved. Although metal crowns do still have their uses in the back of the mouth for durability, each all-ceramic crown is hand crafted by a dental technician to match the colour, shape and translucency of your other teeth for a natural looking restoration and a healthy, attractive smile that no-one may ever need to know you've had help with!
An all-ceramic crown may be an option for you when a tooth:
  • Is badly broken down following lots of decay and increasingly large old fillings
  • Has gradually weakened and cracked over time
  • Is badly misshapen or unsightly


Veneers are extremely thin custom-made shells of ceramic material that are bonded to the front of teeth. Bonded to the surface of each tooth using the latest technology, veneers require little or no work to be carried out on the original tooth itself.
A popular treatment with celebrities and makeover TV programs, veneers are hand crafted by a technician to improve the colour, shape and position of your teeth. A precise shade of porcelain can be chosen to give the right colour to improve a single discoloured or stained tooth or to lighten your front teeth. A veneer can make a chipped tooth look intact again. The porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth with a thicker section replacing the broken part. Veneers can also be used to close small gaps, when orthodontic treatment is not suitable. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted to bring it into alignment with the rest of the teeth, subject to patient suitability.
Veneers are hand crafted to match your other teeth and can dramatically improve the colour and shape of your smile by:
  • Covering up cracked, chipped or heavily stained or discoloured teeth
  • Correcting the appearance of misshapen or small teeth
  • Closing unsightly gaps


We believe that wearing dentures should not prevent you from having the confidence of a natural, healthy looking smile. If you have suffered the loss of more or all of your natural teeth, we understand how important it is to you to regain a natural looking smile which feels comfortable and helps to restore confidence.

Working closely with the dental technician, our specially trained dentist will use high quality materials and new techniques to create natural looking dentures that fit and work comfortably.

Dental implants in Cheadle

Price starts from as little as £2,150.00 per implant (Terms and Conditions apply)
Considered an ideal option for replacing missing teeth or for providing a permanent alternative to dentures, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root that your dentist can place into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth in place.

What is a dental implant?
There are two parts to every tooth: the crown and the root. With dental implants, the root is made of titanium, which is placed into the gum to form a secure foundation. The crown (or replacement tooth) is fitted on top to create a comfortable, life-like replacement.

Why dental implants?
There are many ways to replace tooth crowns, but only dental implants can replace the entire tooth including both crown and root. Dental implants really are the next best thing to having your own teeth. Leaving the missing tooth space empty may not sound too serious, but the consequences of not filling in the space from the missing tooth can include:
The teeth adjacent to your missing tooth can change position to fill the gap
The loss of your missing tooth’s root can cause your jawbone to shrink, making your face appear prematurely older
A missing tooth in the front of your mouth can affect your smile and your self-confidence

What are the benefits of dental implants?
Natural looking, astonishing result
No one will know you have dental implants unless you tell them. The visible part of your dental implant is a life-like, tooth coloured crown that is crafted to look, feel and function just like your natural teeth - matching them in size, colour, contour and shape.
Reassuringly reliable, safe and long lasting 
Modern dental implant techniques and technology have been extensively researched and used for over 30 years. Dental implants are made of pure titanium which the body accepts like no other metal; they are therefore proven to be safe, biologically compatible and can become part of you for a very long time. Dental implants are the perfect way to replace missing teeth.
Investing in your future appearance
Dental implants don’t just offer a cost-effective, safe and natural looking way to achieving a confident new smile, they can also help you keep your youthful looks for longer. Filling gaps in your smile means that over time, the rest of your teeth stay where they should be. Dental implants preserve facial contours that would otherwise begin to look hollow with jawbone shrinkage, when teeth are missing.

What does treatment involve?
A number of different types of implants and techniques exist with dental implant therapy. At Millennium Dentistry, each case is assessed in great detail. As a patient, your clinical options will be fully discussed with you and a treatment plan established to reflect your unique needs. The length of your treatment can range from 8 to 12 months depending on the complexity of your care.

Clear braces

From only £245.00 per aligner, teeth are straightened painlessly and easily using a set of custom-made, removable aligners which gradually move the teeth until they reach their optimum position.
Clear Aligners from Millennium Dentistry are:
  • Discreet, comfortable and virtually invisible
  • Suitable for mild to moderate cases
  • Available in a choice of materials to suit you
  • Flexible – you can end the treatment at any time
  • Reviewed on a regular basis and tweaked if necessary to ensure the treatment stays on course
We will work with you to identify the right number of stages to achieve your optimum result. Instructions will be given regarding how long each aligner should be worn. Impressions may be required during the course of treatment, at agreed intervals, giving you, your dentist, total control over the course of treatment.

Aligners are available in:
  • Soft – this thinner aligner has more flexibility, making it ideal to start off with. It may also suit patients who are particularly sensitive to treatment
  • Medium – an ideal starting point for patients with mild to moderate crowding.
  • Hard – when a patient is accustomed to wearing aligners, this thickness exerts a firm and constant pressure that will take them through the remaining stages.
  • Dual laminate – this aligner is hard on the outside and soft on the inside. It can be worn at night only for the first 3 weeks, before moving on to the medium and hard aligners. It is also useful for patients with a grinding habit
For more severe cases, a pre-treatment appliance may be used to kick-start movement before Clear Aligner therapy begins. Our pre-treatment appliances are as discreet and comfortable as Clear Aligners and can reduce the overall treatment time significantly.
 For details about cosmetic dentistry at Millennium Dentistry, 
call on  
 01538 755 153

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